Tuesday, April 27, 2010

welcome to my fog, er.. blog

It's March 27th, 2010. Do you know where your derivatives are?

"welcome to my blog
there's room for you
to come right in

welcome to my blog
I guess?!?"

with apologies and great admiration to Gunnar-Bob Madsen formerly of the BOBS (if you don't know who the BOBS are, what the A-cappella-ya doing just sitting there? Check below!)


I do currently feel like I'm in a fog, but that seems to be a recurring theme with me. Just ask my co-workers:


I would have liked to have been in the BOBS, but "bob-o-rob-o-BOB" would have been a bit repetitive, plus I can only sing a little and not really do instruments with my voice.

Oh well, fame must await me around some other corner, down some uncovered well.
I guess?!? :


I have had too much to say and never enough time to say it since I started being an opinionated sarcastic know-it-some. Maybe around age 12.

Now that blogging is almost passe, it is time I jump right in and see the last visible signs of the bandwagon as it passes over the last hill of hipness.

What to start with? How about my daughter? She is 7, and hilarious, but comes up with some conversational gold ever other day or so, usually when I'm driving:

her: Daddy, when I'm a teenager but still not old enough to work,
I'm going to go into the rainforest every day and
if people are lighting fires and they get to big, (the fires, not the people)
I will tell them to stop (sounds good to me!)
And if they do it again I will probably kill them (hmm, not so good)

Me: Well, maybe you should just arrest them. Killing them would be a little harsh

her: Yeah. But that's what I'm gonna do. Because we all depend on the rainforest.


I also have a son, he's 5. He's hilarious, too. He's also autistic. He's also some kind of used-car-salesman. He knows how to schmooze, especially with his voice tone.

(James is NOT like the salesmen in this movie:

He's a very good mimic, and he loves words or sentences that have a lot of inflection. His latest deal is to run around the house saying in a very musical way "ThAT Can't be riGHT! ThAT Can't be riGHT! ThAT Can't be riGHT!"

I guess I should start downloading some my own crazy thoughts here.

I'm really wondering lately, where have all the adults gone?

First of all, President-Direct(he was the one directing!) Dick(and I do meant that) Cheney and Resident(more like squatter! he certainly wasn't legally entitled to be there!) Bush literally steal an election (Gore an Kerry sure fought that voter fraud long and hard, didn't they? NOT!), loot, pillage and burn everything in sight and within their power to do so to, then extend their power via self-appointed decree to Iraq and put on the same show. Then steal another election, all the while denying point blank and barefaced that they are doing any such thing, while the corp-o-media nods their heads for 7.5 years and sings "If I can't see it it can't hurt me!" and Fox News(height of oxymoronism, right there!) cheerled as the flames went higher.

Not to mention the whole 9-11 fiasco that they were warned about ahead of time, let happen, then turned into a political anvil to pound out their agenda, including torture, unlawful detainment, elimination of habeas corpus, tax-cuts for the wealthy(actually they did that before 9-11, didn't they?)....

Anyway, then Obama and Hillary battle it out (McCain never really had much of a chance, and when he chose Pale-in-comparison [not to be confused with Quayles-in-Comparison. Palin makes Quayle seem like Einstein] to be his veep, I literally laughed out loud at his unbelievable stupidity. I've had a lot of practice doing it to myself) and Obama becomes the most adult-like person to inhabit the office of the Pres in who knows how long, and then turns his back on all the grown-up things he said he was going to do. First with a bailout of some of the most corrupt sociopathic shi*bags to ever walk the earth (on wallstreet to be precise), then decide against putting the dilweeds who started the illegal war against Iraq on trial, then doesn't close Guano-1st-ammendment-rights-say-Geronimo-tanimo, then doesn't eliminate Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell (another Clinton wishy-wash-a-thon), then allows the public option for healthcare to vanish off the planet, etc...

Isn't there someone, somewhere, who is supposed to reach down and smack these people on the butt and say "No! Bad! Time-out!" ?

Is it a bad sign when the people who are "erected" to be our leaders (how often are the really "elected" by us?) need to have a "time-out"?

I'd say YES.

Enough! I say. You may be saying that too, but about me and my so-called thoughts. Moron(and I do mean that) this and many other topics later.



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